Category ENEV P15 Reducing Carbon Emissions From A Coal Burning Plant

Abstract The purpose of this project is mainly focusing on finding a better

alternative for catching the carbon emissions emitted by a coal burning

plant. Right now there are limited options for doing this so finding one

that performs better that can be implemented on a wide scale would be

helpful to the world. The way this will be tested is by simulating a coal

plant with a grill that would be burning bituminous coal. The gases

emitted will then be pumped through an air compressor to have

pressure behind it. The gases will be pumped and filtered through

buckets that are full of calcium hydroxide solute, sodium hydroxide

solute, soybean oil. The Carbon will be measured in two spots, right

before entering the compressor and after being filtered through the 2

buckets. The Soybean Oil performed much worse than the Sodium

Hydroxide and Calcium Hydroxide. It caught no Carbon Dioxide and the

PPM of CO2 stayed the exact same. The sodium hydroxide dropped the

CO2 PPM a lot. There was a 77 Percent decrease between the

beginning and final amount of Carbon Dioxide. Then there was a 81

Percent decrease between the Beginning and Final Amount of Carbon

Dioxide. The Hydroxides has a drawback however seeing as the

Hydroxides solute has to be changed out when it all binds with the

carbon dioxide. The sodium hydroxide was suppose to create Sodium

Carbonate in an Aqueous Solution. Then Calcium Hydroxide was

suppose to produce Calcium Carbonate in an Aqueous Solution. It is

believed that it did happen but for the Byproduct to be useful, the water

and the chemical has to be split.

Bibliography Amine Scrubbing for CO2 Capture

Gary Rochelle -

Amine gas treating

What is CCS?

Carbon capture and storage

Carbon capture and storage
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